• on May 28, 2021

You Asked For It

Bill’s Bestowals:

“You Asked for It!”


“… let the wise listen and add to their learning, 

and let the discerning get guidance …

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,

but fools despise wisdom and discipline.”

 (Proverbs 1:5, 7)


Part of the curriculum for my very first theology course in seminary was a book called “Faith Seeking Understanding” (Daniel L. Migliore; 1991).  Its primary premise was that genuine faith is not blind faith; rather, genuine faith leads us to ask questions.   The book was dry, I remember, but the premise is absolutely true!  If we aren’t asking any questions concerning our faith, our minds probably aren’t actively engaging what we profess to believe!

Need proof that genuine faith asks questions?  

Consider John the Baptist.  He was a relative of Jesus, probably a cousin (we know this from a reading of Luke 1, esp. vs. 36).  If anyone knew the identity of Jesus, it was John; after all, it was John the Baptist who actually baptized Jesus and was witness to “… the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him.  And a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.’” (Matt. 3:16-17)  At another time John looked at Jesus and said, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29)  In John 1:34, John the Baptist saw Jesus said, “I have seen and testify this is the Son of God!” 

But then what happened?  John was thrown in jail.  He suffered there, and it is in suffering that people are most likely to doubt!  John had two of his disciples track down Jesus to ask Him, “Are you the One for whom we have been waiting, or are we to wait for someone else?” (Luke 7:19) 

Now, if anyone should know Jesus, it was John … yet this text shows that John had doubt and questioned Jesus.  What do you think: when John’s disciples asked John’s question of Jesus, do you suppose it freaked Jesus out?  Made Him sad?  Made Him mad?   Nope – none of that!  Jesus simply offered a statement of evidence that He was, indeed, who John believed Him to be. (See Luke 7:22)

What this means: it is not only OK to have questions, but GOOD to have questions!  Jesus WELCOMES our questions, because it means that we are engaged with our faith, rather than ignoring it!


This leads to our new sermon series I’m calling, “You Asked for It!”  I want to know how YOUR faith is seeking understanding, so I crave your questions!  Write them down and send them my way, please (whatseitz2c@gmail.com)!  Here are some questions to prime the pump: 


  • How do we find forgiveness when others are seemingly undeserving? 
  • So many laws in the Bible!  Why do we follow some but not others?
  • What does the Bible say about the “end times?” 
  • Why does God allow suffering?
  • Why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac? (See Gen. 22) 
  • Is there a hell?  If so, what is it really like?
  • If Jesus is truly forgiving, why is there an “unforgivable sin”? (See Mark 3:29) 
  • What about satan?  What is HE really like? 
  • Was Mary really a virgin? (See Matt. 1:18-25) 
  • What happens when you die?
  •  “Could you help me understand ____________?”  (Fill in the blank with a scripture text or doctrine).  


Some questions that have already come my way (many are summaries):

  • What is the truth about creation vs. evolution? 
  • What is the appropriate Christian response to homosexuality?
  • Is Christianity unfair to women?
  • What do we do to restore our faith in the face of apathy?
  • How should I respond to Christians who don’t respect my right to my own opinion?
  • When God “calls” us to do something, how do we know we are acting on God’s will instead of just a crazy idea we had?


What great questions so far!  I look forward to receiving more!  Please send your questions to whatseitz2c@gmail.com (or bring them by the church office) by June 10!  


Blessings!  Pastor Bill

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