Here are a few of the ways we have chosen to live our mission:

HELPING HANDS SUNDAY: Whenever a month has a fifth Sunday, we worship God by going out to serve Him in our community! Each “Helping Hands Sunday” (as we call it), small groups are formed, each with a different purpose. Congregation members sign up for whichever small group best fits their particular talents and interests.
This ministry began in 2019. We have already:
- Made hundreds of face masks for medical personnel in the face of the Covid-19 virus.
- Offered “handyman” work to needy town residents.
- Read books to individuals who are lonely or poor of vision.
- Taken gifts to nursing home residents.
- Written letters to prisoners.
- Offered gifts of baked goods to local and county law enforcement.
- Picked up trash along some of our dirtiest streets.
- Reached out to caretakers of those on hospice (the family members who stay by their loved one’s side until their deaths).
- Mowed and weeded the Senior Center flowerbeds.
- Offered a pancake breakfast to our neighbors.
- Led worship in nursing homes.
- Delivered baskets of home goods to those less fortunate in our community.
Come join us! If you know of a way our family of faith might bless our community, you can be a part of making it happen!
CARUS CARES: A new ministry created to collect donations of medical supplies and appliance to distribute to people that need them in our community.
SOLAR UNDER THE SUN: Believe it or not, about 25% of the world still lacks electricity. Having said that, Jesus has said that those who follow Him are to be the “Light of the World” (Matthew 5:14-16).
This ministry takes light into third world countries by training and supplying individuals to install solar power systems in schools, orphanages, medical clinics and homes. Members of this family of faith have been trained and have journeyed to rural Honduras for this purpose.
Each summer we take up an offering to support this ministry. We also encourage embers to be trained to spread the light!
GRIEFSHARE MINISTRY: This is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help individuals who have lost loved ones rebuild their lives.
Most people return to their normal lives following a funeral, but those closest to the person who has died often continue in grief and feel alone. This is the reason for GriefShare. We know it hurts, and we want to help! Check this link to see when our groups are in session.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Each summer we host a weeklong “Vacation Bible School” (VBS) as an outreach to families in our community. The 2023 dates haven’t been selected yet, but will be posted as soon as they are available..
“ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING” (Easter) and “JOY OFFERING” (Christmas): Lives are blessed in Mena and around the world through these two annual offerings.
The following are MINISTRIES WE SUPPORT FINANCIALLY. In some cases, we have members who volunteer to serve the ministry as well:
- Goodland Academy (boards and educates orphaned children.)
- Polk County Family Ministries (!!!!)
- Mena Police Chaplain’s Fund (assists travelers through Mena, as well as those needing transportation for medical purposes.)
- Ministry of Hope (Provides orphans in Malawi, Africa, with health care and education.)
- Acts of Love Food Pantry (offers monthly food / staples boxes for the needy.)