• on March 7, 2022

March Newsletter

Sorry for the delay in the newsletter.  I had a number of unforseeables this month.  Whew!

I do want to start with an important and timely announcement:  TOMORROW, Sat. March 5, the fantastic movie “Chocolat” will be shown in our fellowship hall at 2 P. M.

We are just entering the Season of Lent, of course (if you don’t know what that means, see my article below).  “Chocolat” is being shown in part because it actually opens as Lent begins in a small French town.  This town holds the traditional Lenten view that God is spiteful and condemning, and that “we’d better shape up if we are going to make the final cut.”  Enter, stage right: a stranger takes up residence in the town, and suddenly the town is shaken up in an unintentional but powerful way.  The result?  You’ll have to come and see … and it is worth it!

The movie has no nudity but it does have very brief passion scenes (PG-13 rated).  Parents may decide if they want their children in the room.  Please note that another “G” movie will be shown in the youth room for any deemed too young.

And now on to the news.  The calendar is at the end.

Bill’s Bestowals:

“The Grand Experiment”


Jesus:  “I am the vine; you are the branches.

If a person remains (or abides) in me and I in them, they will bear much fruit;

apart from me you can do nothing.”

(John 15:5)

The Season of Lent is here!  Lent is the forty days before Easter (minus Sundays).  Its traditional purpose is to take this period of time to look deep within ourselves to see where we have fallen away from God, and then to return.

Considering what knuckleheads we can be, I’ve always wondered why God wants to be with people.  Yet the Bible makes it clear that He will go to incredibly great lengths to do so!  Just consider the text above: “I am the vine; you are the branches ….” He is saying, “As long as you ‘abide,’ you’re going to ‘bear fruit’; you are going to do some wonderful things with your life.  Having said that, your ‘job’ is NOT TO TRY TO DO WONDERFUL THINGS … rather, your job is simply to ABIDE IN ME … THE VINE!  That’s it!  Abide in me from one moment to the next.  Do this and great things will happen.  Don’t do this and pretty much nothing will come out of your life … apart from me, you can do nothing!”

How are you doing at abiding in the vine these days?  Personally, I know that I have a tendency of falling away and doing great amounts of ‘nothing’ unless I am intentional about attachment.  I imagine that I am not alone.

This is why we are going to be part of a grand experiment during this Lenten season.  The experiment is this:  To use Lent to see how many moments of our lives we can fill with conscious awareness of and surrender to God’s Presence … how many moments we may ‘abide in The Vine.’

In doing so, we’re going to be talking about different practices, or relationships, or experiences we may use to be more firmly engrafted into the “Vine.”  Each week will have a different topic, and if we intentionally use and grow in each of them, the chances are good that we will be pretty ‘fruity’ by Easter (again, see the text above).

The goal is NOT:

  • … to sin less.
  • … to increase our devotional practices.
  • … to do lots and lots of good deeds.

The goal IS: LIFE ON THE VINE.  To abide in Him.

If my missed it, to hear the full premise behind this experiment check out the February 20 message on YouTube (“First Presbyterian Church of Mena”) and go to the 19 minute, 35 seconds mark.  To hear the first possible way to abide more deeply, check out the February 27 message and go to the 16 minute, 11 seconds mark.

Shalom!          Pastor Bill

March 2022 Calendar:

Sunday:       Spiritual Gifts Class at 9:30 a.m.

Worship at 11 a.m.

Thursday:  Grief Share at 10 a.m. in the parlor.

Mar. 1:  Mission Committee Meeting at 5 p.m.

Mar. 2:  Worship Committee Meeting 3:30 p.m.

Mar. 2:  Ash Wednesday Service 5:00 p.m.

Mar. 3:  Fellowship Committee Meeting 8:30 a.m.

Mar. 3:  Christian Ed. Committee Meeting 12:15 p.m.

Mar. 5:  Movie Day at 2 p.m. in Fellowship Hall – “Chocolat”

Mar. 6:  Book Study “Beloved Chaos” after worship

Mar. 8:  Membership & Evangelism Meeting 6 p.m.

Mar. 12:  PW Meeting 10 a.m.

Mar. 14:  Stewardship & Finance Meeting at 1 p.m.

Mar. 16:  Session Meeting 5:30 p.m.

Mar. 19:  Game Day 12 p.m.

Mar. 22:  Building & Grounds Meeting at 10 a.m.



1 –Kathy Taranto                                       16 – Caleb Seitz

3 – Russell Rode                                          18 – Susan Seitz

5 – Judy Thompson                                   20 – Louella Dardar

14 – Tony Mosier                                       23 – Lillian McCombs

16 – Aubry Stanbro                                   29 – Gini Burt


Ushers:                                             Judy Thompson & Wes Stiefer

Communion Preparer:                 Delta Reed & Marilyn Schroyer

Communion Servers:                   Annette Hays, Chuck Schroyer

Judy Thompson, Wes Stiefer &

Leon Myers


March 6:    Personal Care Collection

March 27:  Goodland Academy

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