• on June 7, 2022

June Newsletter

Bill’s Bestowals:

“… To Make the Kingdom of God Real …”


“Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God.

‘The time has come,’ he said. ‘The kingdom of God is near.

Repent and believe the good news!’

As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee,

he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake …

‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fishers of (people).’

(Mark 1:14-17)


“Nana, I feel that your church is the most community-minded church I know!”  Those words were offered by Katie Goodnight, granddaughter of Bill and Annette Hays, when she attended LOL[1] last week.  Can you believe a 10-year-old could say such a mature thing?  (Let alone even NOTICE such a thing!?)  Katie, you have blessed us more than you know by making that statement!

I would like to give testimony concerning why her statement is so significant.  I’ll do so by sharing the thoughts of another person who stopped by the same LOL event.  As I say this, by the way, please know that “dumbfounded” isn’t a word that commonly applies to me … but I do have my moments!

Many people had already received lunch bags when I noticed a man walking by.  He looked like he could use a meal, so I called him over and invited him to join us.  He said that he had already eaten, and then asked what church we were from.  Wes Stiefer mentioned that we were Presbyterian.  The man asked why we were doing this.  We answered that we knew many children in the community relied on school lunches, yet didn’t have access to them during the summer.  We added that even though our primary targets are children, we are happy to feed anyone who is hungry.

Suddenly, the man had a look that wordlessly said, “You guys are really stupid.”  He then began a monologue that would take several pages to present in full, so I will summarize in this way:

“The Bible tells us only to take care of other Christians.  God hates people who haven’t accepted Him and they are going to hell, so we certainly shouldn’t help them.  As a matter of fact, we are seeing signs of the end times all around us right now, and that means that pretty soon all those people will be receiving the mark of the beast (see Rev. 13:11-18), and they will be able to get food that we Christians cannot.  Therefore, we Christians should not only be stockpiling food for ourselves right now, we should also be saving all of our money so that when that time comes we will have it to spend on ourselves.  You guys really need to learn to read your Bibles!  God’s Word says all that …” and then, just before he walked away, he said, “… and your preacher needs to be learning to read his Bible, too, so he can tell you the truth about all this.”  (Of course, he hadn’t asked any more questions about us, so he had no idea that I was the preacher!)

So – are you dumbfounded also?

We Christians are often guilty of selective reading in our Bibles.  I know what this guy is talking about concerning “take care of other Christians.”  There are 35 statements in the New Testament that I like to call the “One Anothers.”  Examples: “Love one another.” (John 13:34)  “Care for one another.” (I Cor. 12:25)  “Bear one another’s burdens.” (Gal. 6:2)  “Serve one another.” (Gal. 5:13)   “Pray for one another.” (James 5:16)  Thirty more.  They are beautiful in intent, but they do certainly make it sound like we are only to “one another” other believers.  Those who “learn to read their Bibles,” however, know that this isn’t the case!

He claimed I didn’t know how to read my Bible.  I would like to show him (and you) what I have not only read, but frequently teach regarding the topic at hand.  This is only a smattering of the possibilities:


†        “When you are harvesting in your field and you overlook a sheaf, do not go back to get it.  Leave it for the alien, the fatherless and the widow, so that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.”  (Deut. 24:19-20)


†        “A generous man will prosper;

he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” (Prov. 11:25)


†        “A generous man will himself be blessed,

for he shares his food with the poor.” (Prov. 22:9)


†        “Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely ….” (Psalm 112:5)


†        Jesus: “You are the salt of the earth … You are the light of the world … let your light shine before (people), that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”  (Matt. 5:13-16)


†        Jesus: “But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing …” (Matt. 6:3-4)


†        Jesus: “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.  For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” (Matt. 7:1-2)


†        Jesus: “Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.  Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Luke 6:30-31)


†        To the rich young ruler, Jesus said:  “’One thing you lack,’ he said. ‘Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’” (Mark 10:21)


†        Jesus:  “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.  Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Luke 12:32-34)


†        “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.  In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.” (I Tim. 6:18-19)


†        “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.  As it is written: ‘”He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor; his righteousness endures forever.” (II Cor. 9:7-9)


… and I haven’t even quoted the parable of the Good Samaritan regarding, “Who is my neighbor,” OR alluded to the “Fishers of People” text that started this message!

Family in Christ, it is so important that we recognize the importance of being “community-minded.”  There are people out there with real needs, and God wants to use us to supply them.  God has “blessed us to be a blessing” (Gen. 12:1-3), and called us to “Make the Kingdom of God real for the hungry, thirsty, stranger, poor, sick and prisoner” (based on Matt. 25:31-46).

I am so glad that we are the “most community-minded church” Katie knows.  I hope that opinion grows … all to the glory of God!


Shalom!          Pastor Bill




June 2022 Calendar:

Sunday:         Worship at 11 a.m.

Tuesday:       Lunches of Love – 11:30 a.m. at Janssen Park

Thursday:     Grief Share at 10 a.m. in the parlor.


June 1: Worship Committee Meeting 1 p.m.

June 2: Fellowship Committee Meeting 8 a.m.

June 2: Christian Ed. Committee Meeting 12:30 p.m.

June 3: Float Trip on the Ouachita River (Starts at 8 a.m. from the Church)

June 7: Mission Committee Meeting 5 p.m.

June 12: PW Salad Sunday

June 14:  Membership & Evangelism Committee Meeting 6 p.m.

June 19: Father’s Day Lunch following worship

June 20:  Stewardship & Finance Committee Meeting 1 p.m.

June 21:  Session Meeting 5:30 p.m.

June 28:  Building & Grounds Committee Meeting 10 a.m.

June 29:  Nursery Cleanup Day, 10 a.m. – all are welcome and encouraged to help!



4 –Donna Wilson                                       16 – Tricia Stiefer

5 – Nicole & William Edwards                22 – Dora Venable

6 – Sharon & Pete Chambers                 22 – Susan & Bill Seitz

9 – Bill Seitz                                                  24 – Louella & Raleigh Dardar

10 – Harold Coogan                                  24 – Marilyn & Chuck Schroyer

12 – Judy & TJ Thompson                        29 – Miranda Burt

14 – Ken McRee                                         29 – Sheila Prestenback

16 – Aaron Burt                                          30 – Harper Edwards



Ushers:                                             David Spurgin & Dora Venable

Communion Preparers:               Delta Reed & Marilyn Schroyer

Communion Servers:                   Wes Stiefer, Judy Thompson, Leon Myers,

William Edwards, & Annette Hays



June 5:    Personal Care Collection

June 26:  Goodland Academy




Meet the Members of First Presbyterian Church, Mena

Garrett Lundberg moved around the U.S. a lot as a kid before settling in Gillham, Arkansas in 5th grade. He graduated high school from Wickes and moved to Mena in 2015. He is a funeral director at Bowser Family Funeral Home and a deputy coroner for Polk County. Garrett says his favorite part of his job is witnessing the incredible love among family members. Garrett grew up Baptist but was drawn to our church after hearing Pastor Bill speak at a funeral service. Garrett said he really appreciates how welcoming our church members are. He became a member of Mena First Presbyterian Church in 2019. He really proved to be an asset by helping our church adapt during the COVID-19 pandemic. Garrett provided valuable knowledge and assistance to acquire new technology in order to produce video recordings of the worship service. Garrett spent up to 8 hours initially and continues to devote approximately 3 hours a week to editing and posting the worship videos online for those unable to attend worship in-person. Garrett also helps run the sound system and manages the church website and online directory. He is a member of the Membership and Evangelism Committee, is a shepherd to a group of church members, and is actively involved with the new Helping Hands projects. His hobbies include video games and playing with his young godchildren.




Dora Venable moved to Arkansas in 1986 to be closer to family. She lived in Cove and then moved to Mena. She has a son who has passed away and two daughters, six grandkids, and 2 great-grands. Her great-grandson was the star of our last Christmas pageant. She has been a bus driver for 11 years with the Mena School system. She has also worked in the school cafeteria and the after-school program. Dora has a special place in her heart for the children in her care and often goes out of her way to make them feel special and loved. Dora was invited by a friend and church member to a dance class at our church in 2017. She said she liked all the people and has been attending every since. Dora is currently a member of Presbyterian Women, an elder on session, chairman of the Fellowship Committee, and a member of the choir. Her fun spirit and hard-working attitude make her a wonderful asset to the Fellowship Committee and our congregation. Her hobbies include cooking, crafts, and collecting things. Dora said she prays that the church continues to grow and we have to make more room.


[1] LOL – or “Lunches of Love” – are meals we are serving during the summer to alleviate hunger, especially among children who can no longer rely on school lunches.  If you would like to be a part of this WONDERFUL ministry, LET ME KNOW!

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