Bill’s Bestowals:
“Good News of Great Joy”
“And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby ….
An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and … said to them,
‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.’”
(Luke 2:8-11)
Have you ever noticed at Christmas that there are some people who just can’t keep a secret? They get so excited about what they’re going to give that they cannot keep quiet about it? Case and point … ME!
About three years ago, Charis started asking for a pet bird. To placate her, we offered her the stuffed critter variety. She loved it and treated it as though it was real. She even included it in almost every activity imaginable (including church; some of you have met her), but Charis continued to make it clear that she wished she could have the real deal.
Her persistence paid off (I’m a softy in this regard). Charis’ birthday is this Friday (Dec. 6) and Christmas follows less than three weeks after, so we started looking for a bird in November. Susan located the perfect specimen the week before Thanksgiving in Fort Smith. (Many thanks to bird-whisperer Mary Dixon for picking it up!)
The bird was hand-raised and loves interacting with humans. I had the opportunity to hang out with it for a few days while Charis was out of town for Thanksgiving break and I fell in love with it, and I knew Charis would too! (Remember that she knew nothing of it at this point.)
I thought about the importance of waiting until her birthday to offer it to her, but I also knew how much she wanted it. I yearned to tell her that her dreams were about to come true; if she could only wait one more week, they would become reality! Inside, I wanted to give her the “good news that would bring great joy.” I just couldn’t wait for Charis to start bonding with this delightful little creature!
In the long run, I went beyond just telling her about the bird … the little creature ended up being a Thanksgiving present! I just couldn’t wait!
Incidentally, it paid off, too. Not a day has gone by in which Charis hasn’t said “thank you” for her bird, which has now OFFICIALLY named “Buttercup” (by Charis), and UNofficially named “Thanksgiving” (by me)! “Buttercup Thanksgiving Seitz.” That has a nice ring to it!
All that said, I’d like you to consider the Christmas story now. God was sending His son to earth to be the Messiah, and for good reasons He had to send Jesus in an obscure way. The world was expecting one kind of Messiah – one who would come in power and glory. But Jesus was going to be a different kind of Messiah – a suffering, servant kind of Messiah – so he had to come in secret.
Sometimes I think God was so excited that He thought: “I just have to tell them about it!” So He tells Joseph and He tells Mary.
But He can’t stop thinking about it: “I’ve got to tell somebody else. I know! I’m going to tell those shepherds down there!”
You can picture Heaven saying: “Well, all right, but keep it subtle.”
So He sends an angel to say “I bring you Good News of great joy.”
And then, all of a sudden: “… there are with the angels, a multitude of the Heavenly Host.” (Luke 2:13) God gets so excited that He says: “OK. All you angels … go on down there! Let those shepherds know the ‘Good News of great joy!’”
This tells me that the heart of God is so full of excitement and love that He just can’t keep a secret! Of course, God’s great excitement is to tell you that it’s Good News for you, too! (“… for to YOU has been born a Savior, and this is Christ the Lord.” – Luke 2:11.) And then, on the day you receive and understand that message – and respond to it – God’s excitement is redoubled!!
As we walk through this season of Advent, prayerfully remember how excited God is that you know the Good News – that you have received the gift of His Son, Jesus – and may it be a day of Thanksgiving!
“May the Lord bless and keep you …” always! Pastor Bill
- S. – if you would like to celebrate Charis’ birthday with her,she is bringing it to you! After church this Sunday we will have cake and treats in the Fellowship Hall for anyone who wishes to attend. No obligation, but IF you wish to give her a gift, she only requests food items that will be offered to local charities (like the Blessing Box and the Acts of Love Food Pantry – canned and staple foods are best).
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December 2024 Calendar:
Sunday: Fellowship Hour at 9:30 a.m.
Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.
Worship at 11 a.m.
Wednesday: LIFT at 5 p.m.
Dec. 5: Fellowship Committee Meeting – 4:30 p.m.
Dec. 7: Presbyterian Women’s Meeting – 10 a.m. at New China
Dec. 10: Building & Grounds Committee Meeting – 10 a.m.
Dec. 10: Mission Committee Meeting – 5 p.m.
Dec. 10: Membership & Evangelism Committee Meeting – 6 p.m.
Dec. 14: *Christmas Concert and Sing-Along – see announcement below
Dec. 15: Fellowship Potluck Meal – follows Worship
Dec. 16: S.F.A. Committee Meeting – 1 p.m.
Dec. 19: Session Meeting – 5:30 p.m.
Dec. 20: Children’s Winter Recital – 4 p.m.
Dec. 21: *Christmas Concert and Sing-Along – see announcement below.
Dec. 22: Christmas Caroling – Meet at the church at 2 p.m.
Dec. 24: **Christmas Eve Service – see announcement below.
Dec. 29: Helping Hands Sunday – begins 9 a.m. in the sanctuary.
6 – Charis Seitz 22 – Patience Bohn
6 – Emery Broyles 23 – Hailee Pullen
6 – Charles Cox 25 – Garrett Lundberg
11 – Wes Stiefer II 26 – Delta Reed
15 – Niles Smith 28 – David Spurgin
16 – Willam Gorsuch 30 – Alice Rains
17 – Jimmy Murphy 30 – Alice and George Rains Anniversary
Ushers: Chuck Schroyer & David Spurgin
Communion Preparer: Delta Reed
Communion Servers: Leon Myers, Garrett Lundberg, Chuck Schroyer,
William Edwards and
Dec. 1: Personal Care Collection
Dec. 22: Goodland Academy