Connect with Us

We hope you will want to connect with some of our ministries or small groups!  Check them out here:

SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES:  Classes are available for all ages each Sunday morning.  They begin at 9:45 a.m. 

  • Our Adult Class, taught by Earl Harrell, is held in the Barnham Room.
  • Our Senior High Class is held in the fellowship hall and led by Annette Hays.
  • Our Children’s Sunday School class is held in the nursery and taught by Dora Venable.

PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN:  We have an active women’s group who join together for study, mission, nurture and fellowship on the first Saturday of each month, 10 am.  

GRIEFSHARE:  This is a weekly seminar and support group designed to help individuals who have lost loved ones rebuild their lives.  Click here for more information.

OTHER CLASSES:  Occasionally additional classes are held at times most agreeable to the schedules of participants. 

CHOIR:  on hiatus.

THE ARKANSAS PRESBYTERIAN PILGRIMAGE:  The Pilgrimage is a “potent,” “wonderful,” “powerful,” “incredibly meaningful,” (adjectives oft used by participants!) faith renewal program.  It is not intended as a conversion experience, but, rather, it is designed to strengthen the faith of Christians and provide them with a framework for continued spiritual growth within their church and the world. 

The Pilgrimage takes place twice a year (April 23-26 and Oct. 22-25 in 2020) at Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center near Little Rock.  Click here for more information and to register. 

Those who attend the Pilgrimage continue to encourage one another as a part of a monthly “Renewal Group” that meets on the 3rd Sunday of each month after our church potluck.

SESSION:  The word “Presbyterian” comes from a Greek word meaning “governed by elders.”  In this, “elder” doesn’t refer to biological age as much as to those who have Spirit-led maturity and wisdom.  Our seven elders each lead one of our seven standing committees of the church.  Here they are:

  • Worship – The Worship Committee “seeks to serve the Lord by helping plan worship services that glorify God and teach, inspire, and encourage all who attend.” Elder:  Mike Landry.
  • Mission – This committee motivates the congregation to look outside the doors of our church building to perceive places in which Jesus would like us to make a difference in His world.  Elder:  Garrett Lundberg.
  • Fellowship – The Fellowship Committee plans activities that help us get to know and enjoy each other.  Elder:  Dora Venable.
  • Christian Education – This Committee works to “guide hearts and minds in the teachings of Christ; to compel all to be active in the Kingdom of God.”  Elder:  Karen Mosier.
  • Membership & Evangelism – The Membership and Evangelism Committee provide a compassionate, loving outreach to members (membership) and non-members (evangelism) alike.  Elder:  Annette Hays.
  • Building & Grounds – This team maintains the structure of the church building and parsonage, as well as the external landscaping.  Elder:  Linda Spurgin.
  • Stewardship, Finance & Administration – The members of this committee wear many hats.  They 1) encourage us to remember that we are called to joyful giving for the sake of Christ’s Kingdom, 2) plan our annual budget, and 3) oversee the performance and welfare of our staff.  Elder:  Wes Stiefer.


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