• on July 30, 2022

August Newsletter and Calendar

Bill’s Bestowals:

“Building our Prayer Muscles”

“… pray continually …”

(I Thessalonians 5:17)


I believe “truth in advertising” is very important, don’t you?  Even many ANAGRAMS feel this way too!  For those who may not know what an anagram is, it is “a word or phrase that contains all the letters of another word or phrase, but in a different order.”  Here is why I say that anagrams believe in truth in advertising:  Take these words … “THE EYES.”  What do the eyes do?  “THEY SEE!”  So, the anagram told the truth!


Others do too.  Let’s try a few more:

“ASTRONOMER”                = “MOON STARER”

“DORMITORY”                    = “DIRTY ROOM”

“SNOOZE ALARMS”           = “ALAS!  NO MORE Z’S”



Two of the funniest:




Uncanny, isn’t it?!


One more:

“PRESBYTERIAN.”               = “BEST IN PRAYER!”


What do you think?  Seeing this final one, am I correct about there being “truth in advertising” when it comes to anagrams?

If you doubt that we are “best in prayer,” it simply means it is time for us to build our “prayer muscles!”  That’s why we are in the middle of a sermon series concerning prayer.  The first two weeks focused on two specific helpful prayer styles[1].  For the remainder of the series, we will be considering “Dangerous Prayers”; prayers that shine light on God’s vision for the heart of prayer.  “Dangerous prayers” are the kind of prayers that change lives.  Let’s learn together!


Shalom!                    Pastor Bill


PS – Don’t forget to check the VBS attachment and use it to invite the children in your sphere of influence!



PPS – Would you prefer to have a paper newsletter?  If so, please send a “Reply” e-mail stating it and we will put one in your mail slot at the church.


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August 2022 Calendar:

Sunday:         Worship at 11 a.m.

Tuesday:       Lunches of Love 11:30 a.m. at Janssen Park

Thursday:    Grief Share at 10 a.m. in the parlor.


August 1-5: Vacation Bible School 9 a.m. -12 p.m.

August 2: Mission Committee Meeting 5 p.m.

August 9: Membership & Evangelism Meeting 6 p.m.

August 10: Worship Committee Meeting 1 p.m.

August 11: Fellowship Committee Meeting 8 a.m.

August 11: Christian Ed. Committee Meeting 12:30 p.m.

August 15:  Stewardship & Finance Committee Meeting 1 p.m.

August 17:  Session Meeting 5:30 p.m.

August 21: Back to School Celebration following Worship

August 23:  Building & Grounds Committee Meeting 10 a.m.



5 –Annet & John Forsyth                         18 – Jamie Malloy

7 – Annette & Bill Hays                             20 – Billie Joplin

16 – Mike Landry                                       27 – Earl Harrell



Ushers:                                             Mike Landry & Tricia Stiefer

Communion Preparers:               Lois Morrow & Susan Seitz

Communion Servers:                   Leon Myers, William Edwards, Annette Hays,

                                                            Gini Burt & Bill Hays



August 7:    Personal Care Collection

August 28:  Goodland Academy


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Meet the Members of First Presbyterian Church, Mena


Hello from Wes and Tricia Stiefer!  We moved here from Colorado two years ago with our son Wes to be closer to family. We bought Wayne and Sue Quinney’s house and visited this church because this is where they were members. We immediately felt at home at First Presbyterian and knew this was the right place for us to be. We are both passionate about mission and the church youth. Tricia has helped with giving the children’s message and Wes has preached when Pastor Bill has been away. We have attended youth group events and were instrumental in expanding Helping Hands Sunday. We brought the idea for Lunches of Love from a similar project in Colorado and are delighted to be able to feed the stomachs and souls of the people in Mena. We are excited to see how the Helping Hands Initiative has grown since our arrival here and we have so many ideas for further growth and outreach into the community. While living in Colorado, we spearheaded the creation of Rocky Mountain Mission, have been on 33 mission trips and served many, many different mission and youth programs. Wes has been involved in youth ministry for 28 years. He works as a tax accountant and small business owner, loves old cars, and feels called to serve in lay ministry as often as life allows. Wes also enjoys watching sports, being outdoors, and like his maternal great-grandfather, he yearns to explore old roads to see where they might lead. Wes is a musician and plays the saxophone. Tricia is a nurse’s aide at Mena Hospital. She enjoys volleyball, being outdoors, and the peace and nature at their new home.




Hello from Russell Smith! I moved to Mena with my family when my dad retired from the railroad. I began attending First Presbyterian Church on Easter Sunday 2018 after an invitation from Mary Dixon. I help run the sound system and record the video of the service for folks to view online. My dad also lives in Mena and is a member here. I have two brothers as well as more family in Texas and really miss my mother who passed away two years ago. I am passionate about music and know facts about just about every artist. I was in the band during high school and still play the drums. I love roller coasters and one of my favorite memories is a trip to Six Flags. When I lived in Hot Springs, I went to Magic Springs Theme Park just about every day. I love watching airplanes and learning about them. I know lots of information about the different kinds and wish I could have been a commercial pilot. I enjoy cooking and creating new recipes. I am really excited to be able to share my new skills with the church members and have recently prepared breakfast for the Spiritual Gifts class and lunch for groups on the last Helping Hands Sunday. I am looking forward to cooking for church members at the future Helping Hands Sunday events.


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Covid News:


We are all aware of the recent increase in Covid infections nationally and in Arkansas.  The recent variants of the virus appear to be less severe, most members of our community are fully vaccinated and boosted, and antiviral medications are available which appear to be highly effective in reducing the severity of infection.

In light of this, our elders decided to keep masks optional for church events.  Only you know your own risk level with respect to Covid and, therefore, we believe you will make the best decision for your own health.  If anyone needs a Covid test at any time, please let the office know; we keep a small supply on hand.



[1] July 10 was the “A.C.T.S. Prayer,” and July 17 was the “Five-Finger Prayer Exercise”; you may still view these online to build your “prayer muscle!”

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