• on March 31, 2022

April Newsletter

Bill’s Bestowals:

“Beloved Chaos”


Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 

For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged,

and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

(Matthew 7:1-2)

Let me tell you about what is perhaps the MOST EXCITING thing that has happened since I was called to serve among you (at least a CLOSE SECOND, Susan)!  This year many of us decided to take part in a book study.  We selected a book called “Beloved Chaos,” written by a minister named Jamie Zumwalt.

Rev. Zumwalt came from a fundamentalist, evangelical background and for years she believed that God was a God of wrath against His enemies (“His enemies” being anyone who chooses not to follow Him, or even anyone who professes to follow but still willfully lives in sin).  In those days her role as a minister was to make “God’s enemies” recognize and acknowledge their fallenness, as well as understand the dire consequences of non-compliance.

Along the way she started to see that her attitude wasn’t at all aligned with the heart of God.  She began to see, truly, that “God is love” (I John 4:8, 16); that God is eager to love and draw people into His embrace, and that He in no way desires or delights in condemnation.  Rev. Zumwalt now admits that her heart was full of judgment (see Matt. 7:1-2 above).

Years later the Zumwalt family was compelled (called) to serve in a place that Rev. Zumwalt’s younger self would have found absolutely abhorrent: Valley Brook, Oklahoma; AKA the “Red Light District” of Oklahoma City.  The Zumwalt family simply established a coffee shop (“Joe’s Addiction”) in the town and did all they could to love every person who walked through its doors.  Her “customers?”  Largely adult-entertainers, sex-addicts, prostitutes, drug and alcohol addicts, felons, gang-bangers, the homeless, the mentally ill, child sex offenders – the list goes on and on.  The common denominator of the clientele?  “No church welcomes us.”  Solution: she started a “come as you are” Sunday worship service at Joe’s Addiction.

“Beloved Chaos” speaks of Rev. Zumwalt’s walls of judgment coming down steadily over time, so that she could be more like Jesus and truly minister to anyone, from any walk of life.  The book speaks of lives being transformed through the Zumwalt family’s love, and how nothing would have changed if she still walked in the shoes of judgment.


I believe I am speaking in absolute truth when I say that everyone who was a part of this study was deeply touched by the “Beloved Chaos,” so much so that a few things are happening around the church:

  1. In a manner of speaking, FPC Mena shares the “Mission Statement” of Joe’s Addiction.  Our mission statement: “To make the Kingdom of God real (for outsiders and those who suffer).”  Those who attended the study are considering how Rev. Zumwalt’s experience might help shape our understanding of our mission.  How can we intentionally “Make the Kingdom of God real …”?
  2. A trip to Joe’s Addiction is being planned for sometime after Easter, and more than a dozen people have expressed interest in going!
  3. Most significant:  Rev. Zumwalt’s experience with gangs and felons taught her that gang-banger who has killed another human being would let the world know of their “accomplishment” by having a teardrop tattoo placed on their face.  Through the Zumwalt family’s love, rival gangs in OKC actually made a pact that Joe’s Addiction was neutral turf.  If rival gangs met there, they were family, not enemies.  They started calling themselves the “Love Gang.”  To symbolize this, Rev. Zumwalt herself actually decided to get a tattoo of her own: a HEART tattoo on her face, in the same position where others had the teardrop.  Since then, many other Joe’s Addiction family members have chosen to receive identical tattoos!  There were tears in many of OUR eyes – the FPC Book Study Group, that is – as we read about how Jesus’ love actually and truly turned enemies into friends!  Because of this, WE have all decided to get heart face tattoos .

… OK, not really, but we HAVE decided to wear HEART PINS as often as possible to symbolize our desire to rid ourselves of judgment and find ways to love everyone … even those we might consider to be our “enemies,” or who are the hardest to love!

Would you like to be a pin-wearing member of the FPC Mena version of the “Love Gang?”  If so, Catherine Edwards has acquired a number of them, and they are available in the office.  The idea is just to wear it to remind you to try to see every person you meet through Jesus’ eyes, and treat them accordingly.  And if someone asks you about the pin, let them know why you are wearing it: to remind yourself to love as Jesus loves!  I wear mine with pride!

Thank you, reading group, for the incredible inspiration you have offered me and each other!

Shalom!          Pastor Bill

April 2022 Calendar:

Sunday:       Worship at 11 a.m.

Thursday:  Grief Share at 10 a.m. in the parlor.

Apr. 1:  Youth Lock-In (Starts at 6 p.m., ends at 9 a.m.)

Apr. 3:  Congregational Meeting to elect an elder follows worship.

Apr. 5:  Mission Committee Meeting, 5 p.m.

Apr. 7:  Fellowship Committee Meeting, 8:30 a.m.

Apr. 7:  Christian Ed. Committee Meeting, 12:30 p.m.

Apr. 9:  PW Meeting, 10 a.m.

Apr. 14: Maundy Thursday Service, 6 p.m.

Apr. 16: Easter Egg Hunt at Mary Dixon’s Home (400 White Oak), 3:30 p.m.

Apr. 17: Easter Sunrise Service, 7 a.m.

(Two miles past the Ranger’s Station toward Queen Wilhelmina.)

Apr. 17: Easter Lunch after Worship

Apr. 18: Stewardship & Finance Meeting, 1 p.m.

Apr. 26:  Building & Grounds Meeting, 10 a.m.



2 –Mary Dixon                                            8 – Marilynn Schroyer

2 – Kayla Pullen                                          10 – Robbie Burt, Sr.

4 – Lilly Loyd                                                19 –Robbie Burt, Jr.

5 – April Burt                                               30– Cassady Rode

7 – Bill Stiefer


Ushers:                                             Annette & Bill Hays

Communion Preparer:                 Linda Spurgin

Communion Servers:                   Wes Stiefer, David Spurgin

Leon Myers, William Edwards, &

Annette Hays


April 3:    Personal Care Collection

April 24:  Goodland Academy

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