Bill’s Bestowals
Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons.
The younger one said to his father,
‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’
So he divided his property between them …”
(Luke 15:11-12)
I’m fairly certain you all have heard Jesus’ story that is typically referred to as “The Parable of the Prodigal Son” (if not, check out Luke 15:11-32). It begins “There was a man who had two sons ….” This is immediately followed by words about the younger son and his mountain-sized lack of judgment, and the Father who is constantly watching for His son to return. After that, we hear just a bit about the reliable older son who never colors outside the lines.
Pastors love using this text in sermons to illustrate the extreme love of God for younger son types, and they are right to do so. What they tend to forget (or fail to see), however, is that Jesus’ focus in this story is MORE on the OLDER SON than the younger, because the older son was actually the one who was most lost!
Is this thought a new concept for you? If your answer is “yes,” I’m actually not surprised. Yet we followers of Jesus truly need to grasp what Jesus is saying to the older brother types, because if we came to understand this parable rightly, I believe it would change the face of Christendom in America. That is why we are going to be studying this parable in worship soon, and I BEG each of you to attend (whether in person or virtually) all three of these messages:
April 18: The Younger Son
April 25: The Older Son
May 2: The Loving Father
A special opportunity will be offered to you on May 2. Please come be a part!
“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors,
as though God were making his appeal through us.”
(II Cor. 5:20)
One other thing: our next Helping Hands Sunday takes place May 30. As I mentioned in my Easter Message, I would like to invite all who are willing to help plan it to a special planning session following worship this upcoming Sunday (April 11). We will enjoy soup and discuss how we can be God’s ambassadors – His hands and feet in our community and world – next month.
Pastor Bill
April 2021 Calendar:
Sunday: Worship at 11 a.m.
Thursday: Weekly Grief Support Group at 10 a.m. at the church.
April 1: Christian Education meeting at 12:30 p.m. at the church.
April 1: Service of Shadows at 5 p.m.
April 3: Children’s Easter Egg Hunt at Mary Dixon’s Home (400 White Oak Dr.), 4 p.m.
April 4: Easter Sunrise Service at 7:00 a.m.
April 4: Easter Breakfast in Fellowship Hall from 9:00-10:30 a.m.
April 6: Worship meeting, 1 p.m. in the church parlor.
April 6: Mission meeting, 5 p.m. in the church parlor.
April 10: Presbyterian Women meeting in the fellowship hall at 10 a.m.
April 11: Helping Hands Sunday Planning Event follows worship.
April 12: SFA Meeting at 1 p.m. in the church parlor.
April 13: Membership & Evangelism meeting at 6 p.m. via phone messenger.
April 17: Fellowship meeting at 11 a.m. at Serena’s Home.
April 21: Session meeting at 5:30 p.m. at the church.
April 27: Building & Grounds meeting at 10 a.m. at church.
May 2: Cinco de Mayo Church Camp Fundraiser Luncheon follows worship.
April 2: Mary Dixon April 8: Marilynn Schroyer
April 2: Kayla Pullen April 10: Robbie Burt Sr.
April 4: Lilly Loyd April 19: Robbie Burt Jr.
April 5: April Burt April 23: Crael & Russell Rode
April 7: Bill Stiefer April 30: Cassady Rode
Ushers: David Spurgin & Chuck Schroyer
Communion Preparer: Sharon Chambers & Annet Forsyth
Communion Servers: David Spurgin, Gini Burt, William Edwards,
Bill & Annette Hays
April 4: Personal Care
April 4: One Great Hour of Sharing